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About Me

Who Am I?

Daughter, dancer, Health & Safety Inspector, Chemical Engineer, Recruitment Administrator, singer, dyslexic, just a few of the titles that I have owned during my life so far.  Some have been wanted, embraced and hard won, others thrust on me, but each of them has influenced and led me to becoming a life coach today.  

Through the variety of roles as well as the 100s of companies I visited as an Inspector over 8 years, I have a unique perspective on life and industry that I bring to the table.  I understand what it is to be the only woman on a chemical plant, or having to do 12 hour days to get the job done, going into different companies to find out what is wrong and carrying out investigations in challenging circumstances.  I also know the joys of seeing change happen, processes improve, and what it is like to unwittingly save a marriage all because of a pair of ear defenders! 

What is a Christian Life Coach?

The main difference between Christian life coaching and general life coaching is that we bring Holy Spirit into the conversation from the very beginning.  A life coach will ask you to go within yourself and ask your heart what it is telling you.  We will do that because it is important for you to understand how you see yourself, your feelings about a topic and the situation itself.  However, we will also go a step further with God.  We ask Him for His perspective on what you are going through which means we look at ourselves and the world from a different viewpoint.


He has already placed the answers within you to the questions you have and the challenges you face.  My aim is to draw out of you the answers that have been placed inside of you.  I want to see you transformed, your mind renewed and for you to step into the reality of the person you have created to be.


We will work with biblical truths and principals to help you unveil your destiny and uncover the person you have been made to be to effect change in your own life and to see His Kingdom come.

How Can I Help You?

Our purpose changes during the different seasons of our life, whether that is starting a new business, becoming a CEO, a parent, changing jobs or stepping into retirement.  Working with God we can identify your season and your purpose to see the direction you need to be travelling.

When you come into alignment with God's desires for your life and you understand the season you are in, you will begin to feel true fulfilment of a life well lived.  The journey of life is to uncover those desires and bring them into reality.

I will walk out that journey with you and together we can have you stepping into the new and exciting adventures that make up the tapestry of life.

Let’s Work Together

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